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Kibera girls with KPCo. pads

We need your support

Corporate donors can make a huge difference to the lives of girls living in Kibera. 

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The Kibera Pad Company produces high-tech, low impact sanitary pads for high school girls in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. Sanitatry pads for girls including those living with disabilitiesse are produced in two micro-factories located in the Kibera Slum. The workers are drawn from unemployed women in the slum.


Pad production currently serves 50 schools in Kibera with an increasing demand.  These pads are produced at no cost to the girls which helps to keep the girls in school and furthering their education.

Lois Harris & Jane Anyango

Lois Harris,
Founder & CEO of Kibera Pad Co.

"In the time I spent with Jane Anyango from the Polycom Girls, I discovered only 50% of people are employed in Kibera, the average wage is US$1 per day, and most families can’t afford sanitary pads. When dirt, leaves, rags, and selling their bodies doesn’t work, girls miss class and finally leave school.  65% of girls never finish their education."

KPCo - Lois Harris & Jane Anyango

Professor Michael Chapman,
Life Fertility Clinic

"I’ve been a gynaecologist for over 45 years. So, every day in my practice, I deal with women with menstrual problems. I understand the significance of the monthly bleed, that the normal reproductive process imposes on women. We are lucky in Western society that our mothers and our schools are aware of the problem this can cause for young ladies. When I encountered the LJA Foundation and Kibera Pad Co, it was eye-opening to me to see how significant the lack of education and the lack of sanitary pads had on the long-term lives of young ladies in Kenya."

Prof Michael Chapman & Lois Harris

Di Nuovo Clothing Retailer

Karen McDonald,
Di Nuovo

"As we are focused on sustainability it made perfect sense for us to come up with a philanthropic action plan to sell items that aren’t sold or collected by our consignees. Choosing Kibera Pad Co was a good fit as we wanted to concentrate on one women’s charity where we knew our funds were going directly into their work and we wanted it to have some immediate social impact."

Kath Evans,
Kath Evans Fit

"To celebrate International Women’s Day – 2nd April 2024, I organized a Pilates and breath-work event, open to the community free of charge. With donations encouraged to benefit the Kibera Pad Co. charity.

I selected Kibera Pad Co. as the recipient of our support due to their impactful work in addressing a critical yet often overlooked need.

By choosing Kibera Pad Co. as the beneficiary of our event, we not only promoted physical well-being through Pilates but also contributed to the broader goal of promoting health and dignity for women and girls worldwide.''

Kath Evans Fit, International Womens Day

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What your donations will support


Production Materials


12 months of materials for one micro-factory will produce 195,000 pads.

KPC factory 4.png

Worker's Wages


1 year's wages for five local women who produce the pads.


Educators for a Year


1 year's wages for ten local mentors.

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Host a Kibera Pad Co. Fundraiser 

By inviting your friends, family, or colleagues to a fundraising event at your home or in your community, you too are changing the reality for young girls and women in Kibera.

We provide tips and tools to make it easy.

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© 2023 The LJA Foundation Ltd.
Site by B. Arsenault & FrenchBaker

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Registered Charity

LJA Foundation Ltd.
ABN 56 637 393 974


PO Box 1812

Penrith, NSW 2751 



+61 410 501 158

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